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Society for Aviation History

Past Speakers - Click on any name to take you to the meeting write-up page, then scroll down the page to desired topic.

DVD Lending Library - If there is a name with a checked box next to it, that means we have DVD's recorded of the meeting that can be borrowed. Available to SAH members only, contact Byron May (Click on his name and take out the word "REMOVE" from his email address) to send him an email.


 Taigh Ramey: Masters of the Air

 Rita Lucas: Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP)

 John Horton: Oakland Aviation Museum Aircraft and Happenings

 Rick "Ricky" Deutsch: Hexagon: Spies in the Sky, Reconnaissance Technology During the Cold War

 Ryann Willis: Hollywood and Aviation: Maddux Airlines


 Hayman Tam: Aviation Photojournalist and Author

 Lt. Col. Frank Gee: Wild Weasels in Combat

 Geoff Alexander: Flying to Paradise: The Evolution of Travel to Hawaii

 Chris Farinha: (Air Racing) On The Winning Team


 Lt. Col. Frank Gee: Flying the F-117A Stealth Fighter

 Wally Soplata: The B-25 in the Backyard (partial recording)

 J.R. Williams: The Last flight of the Red Baron

 John J. Geoghegan: When Giants Ruled The Sky

 Vicky Benzing: Ultimate Pilot


 Steve Snyder: "Shot Down", The true story of pilot Howard Snyder


 Anandeep Pannu: B-24 Liberators of the Indian Air Force


 James "Jim" Clement: Flying the EC-47, The Secret War in Laos

 Dennis Jenkins: Finding a new home for the Space Shuttle fleet

 Mark Cotta Vaz: Pan Am At War

 Ted Edwards: Seven at Santa Cruz: Fighter Ace "Swede" Vejtasa

 David Trojan: Two Air Tragedies Linked to Moffett Field Remembered


 Capt. Tom Spinks: The History of NAS Moffett Field

 Dave Morss: Air Racer and Test Pilot Dave Morss

 Ron Paliughi: Finding, Restoring and Flying Vintage Warbirds

 David Finnern - Exploring Aviation's Lost History

 Scott Thompson - State of the B-17 World - Update


 Col. Cesar A. Rodriguez, Jr. (USAF ret.) - Top Eagle Driver: "Rico" Rodriguez' F-15 Aerial Victories

     Allen Herr - Early Aviation in Northern California: 1910 to 1939

 Bill Yenne - Panic on the Pacific, How America Prepared for a West Coast Invasion

 Robert A.Rowe - Certifying the Red Bull-Stratos Capsule for the Record Jump

 Emmanuel E. "Manny" Antimisiaris - Airborne Science: At the controls of NASA's Flying Telescope


 David Trojan - They Stood the Watch, The Story of Patrol Squadron Eleven at NAS Kaneohe Bay

 Bill Yenne - When Tigers Ruled the Sky!

 Jack Herris - The Development of German Warplanes in World War I

     Col. James F. Wilson (USAF, ret.) - Aerial Reconnaissance: Flying the RF-4C and SR-71 Blackbird (Audio Recording only)

 Donald J. Porter - Howard's Whirlybirds: Howard Hughes's Amazing Pioneering Helicopter Exploits


 Dan Whitney - Vees for Victory! The Story of the Allison V-1710

 Frederick M. "Fritz" Trapnell Jr. - The Evolution of Carrier Aviation

 John Brennan - Vietnam War Helicopter Art

 Barbara Schultz - Flying Carpets, Flying Wings

 Bill Yenne - Area 51 Black Jets


 John J. Geoghegan - The I-400 Subs and their Seiran Aircraft

 Nicholas A. "Nick" Veronico - Hidden Warbirds: Recent Recoveries of World War II Aircraft

 Paul Suhler - From Rainbow to Gusto: Stealth and the Design of the Lockheed Blackbird

 Jim Lund - Aircraft of Howard Hughes

 Gregory Crouch - China's Wings


 Dan Hill, "Stoney" Stonich, Odell Burton, and Scott Thompason - Catch 22 Panel

 Basim Jaber - Almaden Air Force Station

 Ray Allen - B-17 Navigator

 Craig Harwood - Quest For Flight


 Capt. Les Williams - Tuskegee Airman

 Andy Melomet - Earth Verses The Flying Saucers

 Alex Yofe - B-17 Flying Fortress in Israeli Air Force Service

 Don Harten - Arc Light One B-52 Missions

 Mike Machat - Republic XR-12 Rainbow and the Hughes XF-11


 Tom Tilden, Joe Szep, John "Cabi" Cabigas, B.C. Thomas, and Byron May (moderator) - Aviation Lockheed Skunk Works panel

 Andrew Melomet - Aviation Episodes of the Twilight Zone

 Scott Thompson - State of the B-17 World in 2011

 Peter Stekel "Final Flight" A Mystery in the High Sierra

 J. Douglas Scroggins III - Junkyard Jets, Airliner Dismantling, Recycling, and Movie Making


 Jake Schultz "A Drive In the Clouds" - The Story of the Aerocar

 Andy Melomet "Murder in the Clouds"

 Chris Mahoney PhD. "Ryan Airlines & The Spirit of St. Louis; the Real Story"

 Cdr. Margaret "Peg" Stephan  "Operation Deep Freeze: Flying at the South Pole"

 Larry Rinek "Convair F-106 Delta Dart"


 Thomas Morganfeld and his Favorite Lockheed Aircraft

 BC Thomas "Flying the SR-71"

 Andy Melomet "The Memphis Belle"

 Kim Arfsten "Russian Aircraft at Monino and Nat Quick Aviation Artist"

 Jean-Pierre "JP" Harrison "Remembering Kalpana Chawla and STS-107 Columbia"


 Peter W. Merlin and Tony Moore "The X-Hunters"

 Hub Zemke, Jr. "Tactics and Leadership"

 Scott Thompson "The History of Tallmantz Aviation"

 Jerry Knotts "The History of Big Safari"

 Andy Melomet "Victory Through Air Power"


     Thomas A. Morgenfeld "Testing the New Generation of Frontline Fighters"

     Mike Luvara, Marilyn Dash, and Scotty Germain "Air Racing Pilots' Panel Discussion"

     Geoff Carr "Vietnam-Era Helicopter Living History"

     "JR" Roberts "Clyde Pangborn and the First Trans-Pacific Flight"

 Chris Grech and David Canepa "U.S.S. Macon Location and Investigation"


 Lt. Col. Bruce Hinds (USAF, ret.) "B-2 Stealth Bomber Test Pilot"

     Jim Lund "Piston Planes of Pan Am"

     Flight Sergeant Len Harris "RAF Tail Gunner"

     Robert J. Gilliland "SR-71 Test Pilot"

     G. Warren Hall "NASA Ames Research Center Navy/Test Pilot"


     Astronaut Dr. Janice Voss "Space Shuttle Operations"

     Price McConnell, Bill Erickson and Larry Rinek (moderator) "F-111 Panel Discussion"

     Col. Joseph Shriber "Wild Weasels in Vietnam"

     Taigh Ramey "Aerial Gunnery in Action"


     Harold "Hal" Farley Jr. "Prototype Stealth Fighter Pilot"

     Col. Alan Cirino "Flying the SR-71"

 Bill Chana "Convair Flight Test Engineer,Test pilot and Aerospace Engineer"

     Norm Clinton, Parker Blake, Joseph Calzadillas, Robert Blackwood, Dick Koepke, Larry Rinek (moderator) "B-52 Stratofortress Crew panel"

     Jim Lund " Douglas Commercial, DC-1 through DC-10"


     Eric Presten "Flying the Mississippi in a Float Plane"

     Ron Reuther "Update on Amelia"

     Dan Morgan, Larry Rinek, Fay Kellog, Norm Jukes, Alice Hendricks "Wright Brothers Panel Discussion with Wright flyer Replica"

     Herb Ross "P-38 Lightning Ace"

     Col. Joe Cotton, Col. Louie Babbitt, Col. Pete Revello, Larry Rinek (moderator) "B-58 Hustler Crew Panel"

 Alameda Airport History 2003 - No Meeting Link


     Pat Scannon "Searching The South Pacific"

     Richard Denison, Harold Simpson, David Lane, Bob Rhode, Scott Thompson (moderator) "Douglas A-26/B-26 Invader Panel"

     Kenneth T. Brown "Marauder Man"

 Howard "Ace" Campbell "S.F. Bay Area Airports"

     Col. Bruce Bailey, Col. Dick Koepke, Capt. Jack Leathers, Larry Rinek (moderator) "B-47 Stratojet Crew Panel"


 Joe Cotton "The Philosophy of Flying"

     Ron Gerdes "Flying NASA's VTOL Aircraft"

     Cmdr. Hamilton "Mac" McWhorter III "Hellcats Over the Pacific"

     Chuck Hansen, Col. Frank Yochem, and Bill Witt, Larry Rinek (moderator) "B-36 Peacemaker Panel"

     Clarence E. "Bud" Anderson "P-51 Mustang Ace"


 B-29 Navigator, Ray "Hap" Halloran, "Hap's War", 12/12/98 - No Meeting Link


 B-29 Enola Gay Navigator, Ted "Dutch" Van Kirk, 12/14/96 - No Meeting Link